Saturday, March 22, 2014

You're invited to the new blog!

Thank you for being followers of this blog about my pregnancy with Summer. I can't believe she is already two years old! I was recently having an ultrasound for my current pregnancy and was flooded with the memories of the weekly ultrasounds we underwent with Summer and Cayden.

It made me think of each of you and all your prayers that carried us through that time of uncertainty.

Summer is the kind of blessing in our lives we couldn't not have imagined. So thank YOU!

I wanted to let you know that I have switched blog addresses and would love to have you follow me over on that one!

The new blog is about...
*our adventures as a family (with 2 little girls and a 3rd one on the way in June!)
*navigating being a Pastors Wife
*learning to become authentic -scandalous as that may be sometimes...
*disability issues
*and whatever else pops into my head at 3am that makes me want to get up and write!

The new address is

Hope to *see* you there!
